Advancing Science in East Africa and Beyond

The IUBMB is offering five travel IUBMB MilliporeSigma ENABLE-Africa Fellowships of up to USD $2,000 each for African trainees

opportunities August 29, 2024, 9:00 pm

This fellowship honors the legacy of the metabolic maps created by Donald Nicholson, who in 1996 gave the copyright of the maps to the IUBMB. We are pleased to collaborate with MilliporeSigma, with whom we have an agreement to secure the future of the maps, to provide virtual meetings and course registration to trainees in biochemistry and molecular biology.

The IUBMB MilliporeSigma ENABLE-Africa Fellowships are designed to provide research and training opportunities to the enormous talent in Africa. The IUBMB funds up to five fellowships for biochemistry and molecular biology trainees (Ph.D.-seeking graduate students or junior researchers within 5 years of receiving a Ph.D.) from any country in Africa to attend the annual FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE Conference. Applicants are required to present a poster or oral presentation in order to be considered for a fellowship award.

Before you apply, please review: